
추가 삭제

추가 삭제
Total: 37 Items, 1/2 Pages
[가공/조리에 따른 함량변화율] 식품검색결과를 나타내는 표입니다.
번호 식품코드 식품군 식품명(한글) 식품명(영문) 분석기관 구축년도 원산지 자료수
37 100101001100000001 곡류 및 그 제품 밀 가공(가루), 밀가루 Wheat products, Wheat flour USDA Food Information Center 1998 115
36 100128000100100001 Breakfast Cereals 시리얼 CEREAL USDA Food Information Center 2003 52
35 100131025700100001 Vegetables and Vegetable Products 감자 POTATOES USDA Food Information Center 2006 390
34 100131038300100001 Vegetables and Vegetable Products 고구마 SWEETPOTAOTES USDA Food Information Center 2006 208
33 100131039800100001 Vegetables and Vegetable Products 토마토 TOMATO USDA Food Information Center 2006 78
32 100132002600100001 Nut and Seed Products 견과류 Nuts USDA Food Information Center 2006 104
31 100134000100100001 Beverages 주류 Alcoholic beverage USDA Food Information Center 2006 78
30 100136000100100001 Legumes and Legume Products 콩류 Legume USDA Food Information Center 2006 494
29 100140002800100001 Cereal Grains and Pasta 오트밀 OATMEAL USDA Food Information Center 2006 52
28 100140003100100001 Cereal Grains and Pasta RICE USDA Food Information Center 2006 104
27 100140007900100001 Cereal Grains and Pasta 파스타 PASTA USDA Food Information Center 2006 130
26 100209000700000001 육류 및 그 제품 닭고기, 구운것 Chicken meat, Roasted USDA Food Information Center 1998 115
25 100209001100000001 육류 및 그 제품 돼지고기, 약 10% 지방함유, 생것 Pork meat, Approx. 10% fat, Raw USDA Food Information Center 1998 115
24 100209002300000001 육류 및 그 제품 소고기, 살코기, 생것 Beef meat, Lean, Raw USDA Food Information Center 1998 161
23 100209002700000001 육류 및 그 제품 양고기, 생것 Mutton meat, Raw USDA Food Information Center 1998 92
22 100221000100100001 Dairy and Egg Products 치즈 CHEESE USDA Food Information Center 2006 104
21 100221007000100001 Dairy and Egg Products 우유 MILK USDA Food Information Center 2006 104
20 100221011200100001 Dairy and Egg Products 달걀 EGGS USDA Food Information Center 2006 130
19 100225000100100001 Poultry Products CHICKEN USDA Food Information Center 2006 234
18 100225016300100001 Poultry Products 칠면조 TURKEY USDA Food Information Center 2006 104