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[논문] Development and validation of an analytical method for quantification of sulfuryl fluoride residues in agricultural products using gas chromatography with electron capture detection

구분 홍보자료 등록일 2016.05.26 수정일 -
글쓴이 잔류물질과 (100.100.***.***) 조회수 1861
동영상파일 링크

Sulfuryl fluoride 시험법에 관한 논문을 배포하니 참고하기시 바랍니다. 


학회지: Food Science and Biotechnology, vol. 26. No. 6, pp. 1799-1804 (2014)

논문명: Development and validation of an analytical method for quantification of sulfuryl fluoride residues in agricultural products using gas chromatography with electron capture detection