식품 및 식품첨가물공전
* 식품명으로 검색하신 후 원하는 식품이 포함되어 있는 식품원재료 분류상 소분류 로도 검색하셔야 됩니다.
(예시 : 복숭아에 대한 기준을 검색하여 확인 후, 핵과류에 대한 기준도 검색하여 확인)
* 식품명을 선택해 주세요.
Lavender(fresh)(라벤더(생)) |
leafy vegatable(엽채류) |
Leafy vegetables(Leafy vegetables) |
Leek(리크) |
Legume animal feeds(Legume animal feeds) |
Legume vegetables(Legume vegetables) |
Lemon(레몬) |
Lemons and limes (including Citron)(Lemons and limes (including Citron)) |
Lemons and limes, edible oil refined(Lemons and limes, edible oil refined) |
Lentil (dry)(Lentil (dry)) |
Lettuce, Head(양상추) |
Lettuce, Leaf(상추) |
Lima bean (young pods and/or immature beans)(Lima bean (young pods and/or immature beans)) |
Lima bean(fresh)(리마콩(생)) |
Linseed(Linseed) |
Linseed oil, Crude(Linseed oil, Crude) |
Litchi(Litchi) |
Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & sheep(Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & sheep) |
Longan(용안) |
Loquat(비파) |
Lotus root(연근) |
Low growing berries(Low growing berries) |
Lupin (dry)(Lupin (dry)) |
* From January 1, 2019, for any agricultural product whose MRL is not listed under Annex 4 of Food Code, a uniform MRL of 0.01 mg/kg shall be applied (called “pesticide PLS”).
* Please refer to 'Classification of Food Ingredients' in Food Code for more accurate searches.
Group MRL shall apply If there is no MRL for an agricultural commodity.
(ex: Orange → Citrus fruits → Fruits)