Acerola(Acerola) |
Agricultural products(농산물) |
Air potato(하늘마) |
Alfalfa fodder(Alfalfa fodder) |
Almond hulls(Almond hulls) |
Almonds(아몬드) |
Aloe(알로에) |
Amaranth(비름나물) |
Amaranth grain(아마란스씨) |
Apple(사과) |
Apple juice(Apple juice) |
Apricot(살구) |
Arguta kiwifruit(다래) |
Aronia(아로니아) |
Artemisia(쑥) |
Artemisia(Except dry)(쑥(건조 제외)) |
Artichoke(아티초크) |
Artichoke, Globe(Artichoke, Globe) |
Asian plantain(leaves)(질경이(잎)) |
Asparagus(아스파라거스) |
Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits(열대과일류) |
Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - edible peel(Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - edible peel) |
Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel(Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruits - inedible peel) |
Avocado(아보카도) |
Balloon flower(도라지) |
Balsam pear(여주) |
Banana(바나나) |
Barley(보리) |
Barley bran, processed(Barley bran, processed) |
Barley bran, unprocessed(Barley bran, unprocessed) |
Barley straw and fodder, Dry(Barley straw and fodder, Dry) |
Basil(바질) |
Basil(Dried)(바질(건조)) |
Bean fodder(Bean fodder) |
Bean sprouts(콩나물) |
Beans(두류) |
Beans (dry)(Beans (dry)) |
Beans (fresh)(두류(생)) |
Beans, except broad bean and soya bean(Beans, except broad bean and soya bean) |
Beans, Shelled(Beans, Shelled) |
Beet leaf(비트(잎)) |
Beet root(비트(뿌리)) |
Beetroot(Beetroot) |
Berries(베리류) |
berries and other small fruits(장과류) |
Berries and other small fruits(Berries and other small fruits) |
Betterbur(머위) |
Bilberry(Bilberry) |
Blackberries(Blackberries) |
Blueberries(Blueberries) |
Blueberry(블루베리) |
Bok choy(청경채) |
Bonnet bellflower(더덕) |
Boysenberry(Boysenberry) |
Bracken(고사리) |
Bracken(dried)(고사리(건조)) |
Bran, Unprocessed of cereal grain (except buckwheat, cañihua and quinoa)(Bran, Unprocessed of cereal grain (except buckwheat, cañihua and quinoa)) |
Brassica (Cole or Cabbage) Vegetables, Head Cabbage, Flowerhead Brassicas(Brassica (Cole or Cabbage) Vegetables, Head Cabbage, Flowerhead Brassicas) |
Bread and other cooked cereal products(Bread and other cooked cereal products) |
Broad bean(잠두콩) |
Broad bean (dry)(Broad bean (dry)) |
Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds)(Broad bean (green pods and immature seeds)) |
Broccoli(브로콜리) |
Broccoli, Chinese(Broccoli, Chinese) |
Brussels sprouts(Brussels sprouts) |
Buckwheat(메밀) |
Buckwheat fodder(Buckwheat fodder) |
Buds of Aralia(두릅) |
Bulb vegetables(Bulb vegetables) |
Burdock(우엉) |
Burdock leaves(우엉잎) |
Bush berries(Bush berries) |
Cabbage(양배추) |
Cabbage, Savoy(Cabbage, Savoy) |
Cabbages, Head(Cabbages, Head) |
Cacao bean(카카오원두) |
Cacao beans(Cacao beans) |
Cajou (pseudofruit)(Cajou (pseudofruit)) |
Cane berries(Cane berries) |
Cantaloupe(Cantaloupe) |
Carambola(Carambola) |
Cardamom(Cardamom) |
Cardamom(Fruits)(소두구(열매)) |
Carrot(당근) |
Carrot(Dried)(당근(건조)) |
Cashew apple(Cashew apple) |
Cashew nut(Cashew nut) |
cassia seed(결명자) |
Cattle by-product(소부산물) |
Cattle fat(소지방) |
Cattle kidney(소신장) |
Cattle liver(소간) |
Cattle meat(소고기) |
Cattle milk(Cattle milk) |
Cattle, Edible offal of(Cattle, Edible offal of) |
Cauliflower(Cauliflower) |
Celeriac(셀러리악) |
Celery(셀러리) |
Cereal bran, Processed(Cereal bran, Processed) |
Cereal Grains(곡류) |
Cereal grains(Cereal grains) |
Cereal grains(without rice)(곡류(쌀제외)) |
Chamnamul(참나물) |
Chard(근대) |
Cherries (includes all commodities in this subgroup)(Cherries (includes all commodities in this subgroup)) |
Cherry(체리) |
Chestnut(밤) |
Chick-pea (dry)(Chick-pea (dry)) |
Chick-pea fodder(Chick-pea fodder) |
Chicken by-product(닭부산물) |
Chicken eggs(Chicken eggs) |
Chicken fat(닭지방) |
Chicken meat(닭고기) |
Chicken, Edible offal of(Chicken, Edible offal of) |
Chicory(leaves)(치커리) |
Chicory(Roots)(치커리(뿌리)) |
Chinese bush cherry(앵두) |
Chinese cabbage (type pe-tsai)(Chinese cabbage (type pe-tsai)) |
Chinese magnolia vine(오미자) |
Chinese magnolia vine(오미자(건조)) |
Chinese matrimony vine(구기자) |
Chinese matrimony vine(Dried)(구기자(건조)) |
Chinese pepper(Fruits)(산초(열매)) |
Chives, Chinese(부추) |
Chwinamul(취나물) |
Cicer arietinum(이집트콩) |
Citrus Fruits(감귤류) |
Citrus juice(Citrus juice) |
Citrus oil, edible(Citrus oil, edible) |
Citrus pulp, Dry(Citrus pulp, Dry) |
Clover hay or fodder(Clover hay or fodder) |
Coastal hogfennel(갯기름나물) |
Cocoa products(Cocoa products) |
Coconut(코코넛) |
Coffee bean(커피원두) |
Coffee beans(Coffee beans) |
Coffee beans, Roasted(Coffee beans, Roasted) |
Common bean (dry)(Common bean (dry)) |
Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds)(Common bean (pods and/or immature seeds)) |
Coriander(leaves)(고수(잎)) |
coriander, seed(고수(씨)) |
Coriander, seed(Coriander, seed) |
Corn(옥수수) |
Corn salad(Corn salad) |
Cos lettuce(Cos lettuce) |
Cotton fodder, dry(Cotton fodder, dry) |
Cotton gin trash(Cotton gin trash) |
Cotton seed(면실) |
Cotton seed oil, Crude(Cotton seed oil, Crude) |
Cotton seed oil, Edible(Cotton seed oil, Edible) |
Cotton seed, hulls(Cotton seed, hulls) |
Cotton seed, meal(Cotton seed, meal) |
Cow' milk(우유) |
Cowpea(동부) |
Cowpea (dry)(Cowpea (dry)) |
Cranberry(크랜베리) |
Crimson glory vine(머루) |
Crown daisy(쑥갓) |
Crustacean(갑각류) |
Cucumber(오이) |
Cumin seed(Cumin seed) |
Cumin, seed(쿠민(씨)) |
Currant, Black(Currant, Black) |
Currants, Black, Red, White(Currants, Black, Red, White) |
Custard apple(Custard apple) |
Dandelion(민들레) |
Date(Date) |
Dates, Dried or dried and candied(Dates, Dried or dried and candied) |
Daylily(원추리) |
Deer meat(사슴고기) |
Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry)(Dewberries (including boysenberry and loganberry)) |
Diadromous fish(Diadromous fish) |
Dragon fruit(용과) |
Dried fruits(건조과일류) |
Dried grapes (=currants, raisins and sultanas)(Dried grapes (=currants, raisins and sultanas)) |
Dried herbs(Dried herbs) |
Dried other plants(건조기타식물류) |
Dried vegetables(건조채소류) |
Durian(두리안) |
Edible offal (mammalian)(Edible offal (mammalian)) |
Edible offal of cattle, goats, horses, pigs & sheep(Edible offal of cattle, goats, horses, pigs & sheep) |
Edible offal of cattle, pigs & sheep(Edible offal of cattle, pigs & sheep) |
Egg plant(가지) |
Eggs(알) |
Elderberries(Elderberries) |
Elderberry(엘더베리) |
False saffron(Seeds)(홍화씨) |
Fennel seed(회향(씨)) |
Fennel, seed(Fennel, seed) |
Field aster(쑥부쟁이) |
Field pea (dry)(Field pea (dry)) |
Fig(무화과) |
Figs, Dried or dried and candied(Figs, Dried or dried and candied) |
Fish(어류) |
Flowerhead brassicas(결구엽채류) |
Flowerhead brassicas (includes Broccoli: Broccoli, Chinese and Cauliflower)(Flowerhead brassicas (includes Broccoli: Broccoli, Chinese and Cauliflower)) |
Flowerhead brassicas(except korean cabbage)(결구엽채류(배추 제외)) |
Fodder (dry) of cereal grains(Fodder (dry) of cereal grains) |
Fodder beet(Fodder beet) |
Fresh pepper leaves(고춧잎) |
Fruit spices(향신열매) |
Fruiting vegetable, cucurbits(박과 과채류) |
Fruiting vegetables (except Cucurbits)(박과 이외 과채류) |
Fruiting vegetables other than cucurbits(Fruiting vegetables other than cucurbits) |
Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits(Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits) |
Fruits(과일류) |
Fruits (except as otherwise listed)(Fruits (except as otherwise listed)) |
Fruits and vegetables(과채류) |
fruits and vegetables(Fruits and vegetables) |
Garden pea (young pods)(=succulent, immature seeds)(Garden pea (young pods)(=succulent, immature seeds)) |
Garden pea, Shelled (succulent seeds)(Garden pea, Shelled (succulent seeds)) |
Garlic(마늘) |
Garlic(Dried)(마늘(건조)) |
Gherkin(Gherkin) |
Ginger(생강) |
Ginger(Dried)(생강(건조)) |
Gingko nut(은행) |
Ginseng(Ginseng) |
Ginseng(Dried)(건삼) |
Ginseng(Extract)(인삼농축액) |
Ginseng(Fresh)(수삼) |
Ginseng(Steamed red )(홍삼) |
Ginseng(Steamed red extract)(홍삼농축액) |
Ginseng, dried including red ginseng(Ginseng, dried including red ginseng) |
Ginseng, extracts(Ginseng, extracts) |
Goat by-product(염소부산물) |
Goat fat(염소지방) |
Goat meat(염소고기) |
Goat, Edible offal of(Goat, Edible offal of) |
Gondre[Korean thistle](고려엉겅퀴) |
Gooseberry(Gooseberry) |
Grape juice(Grape juice) |
Grape pomace, Dry(Grape pomace, Dry) |
Grapefruit(자몽) |
Grapes(포도) |
Green & red pepper(Dried)(고추(건조)) |
Green & red pepper(Fresh)(고추) |
Green garlic(풋마늘) |
Green Tea Extract(녹차추출물) |
Guava(Guava) |
Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses(Hay or fodder (dry) of grasses) |
Hazelnuts(Hazelnuts) |
Hemp, seed(대마(씨)) |
Hen's Egg(계란) |
Heracleum moellendorffii(어수리) |
Herbs(Herbs) |
herbs and spices(향신식물) |
herbs and spices(except herbs)(향신식물(허브류제외)) |
Herbs(dried)(허브류(건조)) |
Herbs(fresh)(허브류(생)) |
Hooker chives(삼채) |
Hop(호프) |
Hops, Dry(Hops, Dry) |
Horse bean(작두콩) |
Horse by-product(말부산물) |
Horse fat(말지방) |
Horse meat(말고기) |
Horseradish(Horseradish) |
Hovenia(Fruits)(헛개(열매)) |
Hyacinth bean (dry)(Hyacinth bean (dry)) |
Indian lettuce(왕고들빼기) |
Japanese cornlian cherry(산수유) |
Japanese cornlian cherry(dry)(산수유(건조)) |
Jasmine(fresh)(쟈스민(생)) |
Jeruslem Artichoke, Girasole(돼지감자) |
Job' tear(율무) |
Jujube(대추) |
Jujube(Dried)(대추(건조)) |
Juneberries(Juneberries) |
Kale(케일) |
Kale including: Collards,Curly kale,Scotch kale,thousand-headed kale;not including Marrow-stem kele)(Kale including: Collards,Curly kale,Scotch kale,thousand-headed kale;not including Marrow-stem kele)) |
Kale, curly(Kale, curly) |
Kangkung(공심채) |
Kidney bean(강낭콩) |
Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep(Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep) |
King oyster mushroom(새송이버섯) |
Kiwifruit(키위(참다래)) |
Kohlrabi(콜라비) |
Korean angelica(leaves)(당귀(잎)) |
Korean cabbage(배추) |
Korean cabbage(Dried)(배추(건조)) |
Korean goatsbeard(눈개승마) |
Korean Lemon : Citrus junos(유자) |
Korean melon(참외) |
Korean mint(방아잎) |
Korean Plum(매실) |
Korean solomon's seal(Leaves)(둥굴레(잎)) |
Korean solomon's seal(Roots)(둥굴레(뿌리)) |
Korean solomon's seal(Roots,dry)(둥굴레(뿌리,건조)) |
Korean wasabi(leaves)(고추냉이(잎)) |
Korean wasabi(roots)(고추냉이(뿌리)) |
Kyona(경수채) |
Lavender(fresh)(라벤더(생)) |
leafy vegatable(엽채류) |
Leafy vegetables(Leafy vegetables) |
Leek(리크) |
Legume animal feeds(Legume animal feeds) |
Legume vegetables(Legume vegetables) |
Lemon(레몬) |
Lemons and limes (including Citron)(Lemons and limes (including Citron)) |
Lemons and limes, edible oil refined(Lemons and limes, edible oil refined) |
Lentil (dry)(Lentil (dry)) |
Lettuce, Head(양상추) |
Lettuce, Leaf(상추) |
Lima bean (young pods and/or immature beans)(Lima bean (young pods and/or immature beans)) |
Lima bean(fresh)(리마콩(생)) |
Linseed(Linseed) |
Linseed oil, Crude(Linseed oil, Crude) |
Litchi(Litchi) |
Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & sheep(Liver of cattle, goats, pigs & sheep) |
Longan(용안) |
Loquat(비파) |
Lotus root(연근) |
Low growing berries(Low growing berries) |
Lupin (dry)(Lupin (dry)) |
Maca(마카) |
Macadamia(마카다미아) |
Macadamia nuts(Macadamia nuts) |
Maize(Maize) |
Maize flour(Maize flour) |
Maize fodder (dry)(Maize fodder (dry)) |
Maize meal(Maize meal) |
Maize oil, Crude(Maize oil, Crude) |
Maize oil, Edible(Maize oil, Edible) |
Mammalian by-product(포유류부산물) |
Mammalian fat(포유류지방) |
Mammalian fats (except milk fats)(Mammalian fats (except milk fats)) |
Mammalian meat(포유류고기) |
mandarin(감귤) |
Mandarin(Mandarin) |
Mandarin melon berry(꾸지뽕(열매)) |
Mandarin melon berry(leaves)(꾸지뽕(잎)) |
Mandarins ((including Mandarin-like hybrids)(Mandarins ((including Mandarin-like hybrids)) |
Mango(망고) |
Mangostan(Mangostan) |
mangosteen(망고스틴) |
Marine fish(Marine fish) |
Marsh mallow(아욱) |
Meat (from mammals other than marine mammals)(Meat (from mammals other than marine mammals)) |
Meat of cattle, goats, horses, pigs & sheep(Meat of cattle, goats, horses, pigs & sheep) |
Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep(Meat of cattle, pigs & sheep) |
Melon(멜론) |
Melons, except watermelon(Melons, except watermelon) |
Milk(유) |
Milk fats(Milk fats) |
Milk of cattle, goats & sheep(Milk of cattle, goats & sheep) |
Milk product(유가공품) |
Milled cereals products(Milled cereals products) |
Millet(조) |
Millet fodder, dry(Millet fodder, dry) |
Millet(Including Barnyard,Bulrush,Common,Finger,Foxtail and Little Millet)(Millet(Including Barnyard,Bulrush,Common,Finger,Foxtail and Little Millet)) |
Millet, Barnyard(피) |
Mint(민트) |
Mint hay(Mint hay) |
Mints(Mints) |
Mulberry(오디) |
Mulberry leaves(뽕잎) |
Mung bean(녹두) |
Mung bean (dry)(Mung bean (dry)) |
Mushroom(양송이버섯) |
Mushrooms(버섯류) |
mustard green(겨자채) |
Mustard greens(Mustard greens) |
Mustard leaf(갓) |
Mustard seed(Mustard seed) |
Naengi(냉이) |
Narrow-head ragwort(곤달비) |
Nectarine(Nectarine) |
Nuts(견과류) |
Oak mushroom(표고버섯) |
Oat straw and fodder, Dry(Oat straw and fodder, Dry) |
Oats(귀리) |
Oilseed(유지종실류) |
Oilseed, except peanut(Oilseed, except peanut) |
Okra(Okra) |
Olive oil, Refined(Olive oil, Refined) |
Olive oil, Virgin(Olive oil, Virgin) |
Olive(fruits)(올리브(열매)) |
Olives for oil production(Olives for oil production) |
Onion(양파) |
Onion(Dried)(양파(건조)) |
Onion, Bulb(Onion, Bulb) |
Onion, Chinese(Onion, Chinese) |
Onion, Welsh(Onion, Welsh) |
Orange(오렌지) |
Orange juice(Orange juice) |
Oranges, Sweet, Sour (including Orange-like hybrids): several cultivars(Oranges, Sweet, Sour (including Orange-like hybrids): several cultivars) |
Other herbs and spices(기타향신식물) |
Oyster mushroom(느타리버섯) |
Palm(팜) |
Papaya(파파야) |
Parsley(파슬리) |
Parsnip(파스닙) |
Passion fruit(패션프루트) |
Pawpaw tree(Fruits)(포포나무(열매)) |
Pea(완두) |
Pea hay or pea fodder (dry)(Pea hay or pea fodder (dry)) |
Pea(fresh)(완두(생)) |
Peach(복숭아) |
Peach, Dried(Peach, Dried) |
Peaches (including Nectarine and Apricots) (includes all commodities in this subgroup)(Peaches (including Nectarine and Apricots) (includes all commodities in this subgroup)) |
Peanut(땅콩) |
Peanut fodder(Peanut fodder) |
Peanut oil, Crude(Peanut oil, Crude) |
Peanut oil, Edible(Peanut oil, Edible) |
Peanut or nuts(땅콩 또는 견과류) |
Peanut, whole(Peanut, whole) |
Pear(배) |
Peas (dry)(Peas (dry)) |
Peas (pods and succulent=immature seeds)(Peas (pods and succulent=immature seeds)) |
Peas, Shelled (succulent seeds)(Peas, Shelled (succulent seeds)) |
Pecan(피칸) |
Peppers(Peppers) |
Peppers Chili(Peppers Chili) |
Peppers Chili, dried(Peppers Chili, dried) |
Peppers, Black, White(후추) |
Peppers, Sweet (including pimento or pimiento)(Peppers, Sweet (including pimento or pimiento)) |
Perilla leaves(들깻잎) |
Perilla seed(들깨) |
Perillae Folium(차즈기(잎)) |
Persimmon(감) |
Persimmon, American(Persimmon, American) |
Persimmon, Japanese(Persimmon, Japanese) |
Pig by-product(돼지부산물) |
Pig fat(돼지지방) |
Pig kidney(돼지신장) |
Pig meat(돼지고기) |
Pig, Edible offal of(Pig, Edible offal of) |
Pigeon pea (dry)(Pigeon pea (dry)) |
Pine nut(잣) |
Pineapple(파인애플) |
Pistachio(피스타치오) |
Pistachio nuts(Pistachio nuts) |
Plantain(Plantain) |
Plebeian sage(배암차즈기) |
Plum(자두) |
Plums (including prunes) (includes all commodities in this subgroup)(Plums (including prunes) (includes all commodities in this subgroup)) |
Pome fruits(인과류) |
Pomegranate(석류) |
Popcorn(Popcorn) |
Poppy seed(Poppy seed) |
Potato(감자) |
Potatoes(서류) |
Poultry by-product(가금류부산물) |
Poultry fat(가금류지방) |
Poultry meat(가금류고기) |
Poultry skin(가금류피부) |
Poultry, Edible offal of(Poultry, Edible offal of) |
Proso millet(기장) |
Prune(건자두) |
Prunes (see plums)(Prunes (see plums)) |
Prunes, dried(Prunes, dried) |
Pummelo and Grapefruits (including Shaddock-like hybrids, among others Grapefruit)(Pummelo and Grapefruits (including Shaddock-like hybrids, among others Grapefruit)) |
Pumpkin young leaves(호박잎) |
Pumpkin(seeds)(호박씨) |
Pumpkins(Pumpkins) |
Quince(모과) |
Quinoa(퀴노아) |
Radish(Radish) |
Radish leaves (including radish tops)(Radish leaves (including radish tops)) |
Radish(Leaves)(무(잎)) |
Radish(Roots)(무(뿌리)) |
Radish(Roots) (Dried)(무(뿌리) (건조)) |
Radish, Japanese(Radish, Japanese) |
Raisin(건포도) |
Raisins (seedless white grape var., partially dried)(Raisins (seedless white grape var., partially dried)) |
Rape seed(유채(카놀라)씨) |
Rape seed oil, Crude(Rape seed oil, Crude) |
Rape seed oil, Edible(Rape seed oil, Edible) |
Rape(leaves)(유채) |
Raspberries, Red, Black(Raspberries, Red, Black) |
Raspberry(복분자) |
Raspberry(Dried)(복분자(건조)) |
Red bean(팥) |
Reishi mushroom(영지버섯) |
Rhubarb(Rhubarb) |
Rice(쌀) |
Rice bran, Unprocessed(Rice bran, Unprocessed) |
Rice hulls(Rice hulls) |
Rice straw and fodder, Dry(Rice straw and fodder, Dry) |
Rice, Husked(Rice, Husked) |
Rice, Polished(Rice, Polished) |
Root and rhizome spices(향신뿌리) |
Root and tuber vegetables(근채류) |
Rose(Dried)(장미(건조)) |
Rosemary(로즈마리) |
Rosemary(dry)(라벤더(건조)) |
Rosemary(fresh)(로즈마리(생)) |
Rowanberry(마가목(열매)) |
Rowanberry(bark)(마가목(껍질)) |
Rucola(루꼴라) |
Rye(호밀) |
Rye bran, Unprocessed(Rye bran, Unprocessed) |
Rye flour(Rye flour) |
Rye straw and fodder, Dry(Rye straw and fodder, Dry) |
Rye wholemeal(Rye wholemeal) |
Safflower seed(Safflower seed) |
Salt sandspurry(갯개미자리) |
Sanghwang mushroom(상황버섯) |
Sanghwang mushroom(Dried)(상황버섯(건조)) |
Sedum(돌나물) |
Seed for beverage and sweets(음료 및 감미 종실류) |
Seed spices(향신씨) |
Seeds(종실류) |
Sesame seed(Black seasame)(참깨) |
Seumbagwi(씀바귀) |
Shallot(Shallot) |
Sheep(양고기) |
Sheep by-product(양부산물) |
Sheep fat(양지방) |
Sheep kidney(양신장) |
Sheep meat(Sheep meat) |
Sheep, Edible offal of(Sheep, Edible offal of) |
Shinsuncho(신선초) |
Snap bean (young pods)(Snap bean (young pods)) |
Sonchus-leaf crepidiastrum(고들빼기) |
Sorghum(수수) |
Sorghum forage (dry)(Sorghum forage (dry)) |
Sorghum straw and fodder, Dry(Sorghum straw and fodder, Dry) |
Soy bean(대두) |
Soya bean (dry)(Soya bean (dry)) |
Soya bean (immature seeds)(Soya bean (immature seeds)) |
Soya bean (young pod)(Soya bean (young pod)) |
Soya bean fodder(Soya bean fodder) |
Soya bean hulls(Soya bean hulls) |
Soya bean meal(Soya bean meal) |
Soya bean oil, Crude(Soya bean oil, Crude) |
Soya bean oil, Refined(Soya bean oil, Refined) |
Soybean(fresh)(대두(생)) |
Spelt(Spelt) |
Spices, Fruits and Berries(Spices, Fruits and Berries) |
Spices, Roots and Rhizomes(Spices, Roots and Rhizomes) |
Spices, Seeds(Spices, Seeds) |
Spinach(시금치) |
Spring onion(쪽파) |
Spring Onion(Spring Onion) |
Squash(호박) |
Squash, summer(Squash, summer) |
Ssam cabbage(엇갈이배추) |
Ssam cabbage(Dried)(엇갈이배추(건조)) |
Stalk and stem vegetable(엽경채류) |
Stalk and Stem Vegetables(Stalk and Stem Vegetables) |
stone fruits(핵과류) |
Stone fruits(Stone fruits) |
Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains(Straw and fodder (dry) of cereal grains) |
Straw of cereal grains(Straw of cereal grains) |
Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants(Straw, fodder (dry) and hay of cereal grains and other grass-like plants) |
Strawberry(딸기) |
Sugar beet(사탕무) |
Sugar beet leaves or tops(dry)(Sugar beet leaves or tops(dry)) |
Sugar beet molasses(Sugar beet molasses) |
Sugar beet pulp, Dry(Sugar beet pulp, Dry) |
Sugar cane(사탕수수) |
Sugar cane fodder(Sugar cane fodder) |
Sugar cane molasses(Sugar cane molasses) |
Sunflower seed(해바라기씨) |
Sunflower seed oil, crude(Sunflower seed oil, crude) |
Sunflower seed oil, Edible(Sunflower seed oil, Edible) |
Swede(Swede) |
Sweet Corn(Sweet Corn) |
Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)(Sweet corn (corn-on-the-cob)) |
Sweet corn (kernels)(Sweet corn (kernels)) |
Sweet corn cannery waste(Sweet corn cannery waste) |
Sweet corn fodder(Sweet corn fodder) |
Sweet pepper(피망) |
Sweet potato(고구마) |
Sweet potato stalk(고구마줄기) |
Table Olives(Table Olives) |
Table-grapes(Table-grapes) |
Taro(토란) |
Taro leaves(Taro leaves) |
Taro vines(토란(줄기)) |
Tea(차) |
Tea, green(Tea, green) |
Tea, Green, Black (black, fermented and dried)(Tea, Green, Black (black, fermented and dried)) |
Teas (Tea and herb teas)(Teas (Tea and herb teas)) |
Teosinte(Teosinte) |
Teosinte fodder(Teosinte fodder) |
Tomato(토마토) |
Tomato juice(Tomato juice) |
Tomato ketchup(Tomato ketchup) |
Tomato paste(Tomato paste) |
Tomato, dried(Tomato, dried) |
Tree nuts(Tree nuts) |
triticale(트리티케일) |
Triticale(Triticale) |
Triticale straw and fodder, Dry(Triticale straw and fodder, Dry) |
Turmeric(강황) |
Turnip(순무) |
Turnip fodder(Turnip fodder) |
Turnip greens(Turnip greens) |
Turnip rape(순무유채) |
Turnip, Garden(Turnip, Garden) |
Uleungdo aster(섬쑥부쟁이) |
Unripe bean(풋콩) |
Ussuri thistle(엉겅퀴) |
Vegetables(채소류) |
Vegetables (except as otherwise listed)(Vegetables (except as otherwise listed)) |
Vitamin(다채) |
Walnuts(호두) |
Water dropwort(미나리) |
Watercress(Watercress) |
Watermelon(수박) |
Welsh Onion(파) |
Welsh Onion(Dried)(파(건조)) |
Wheat(밀) |
Wheat bran, Processed(Wheat bran, Processed) |
Wheat bran, Unprocessed(Wheat bran, Unprocessed) |
Wheat flour(밀가루) |
Wheat germ(Wheat germ) |
Wheat straw and fodder, Dry(Wheat straw and fodder, Dry) |
Wheat wholemeal(Wheat wholemeal) |
White-flower gourd(박) |
Wild garlic(산마늘) |
Wild Garlic(달래) |
Wild garlic leaf(산마늘잎) |
Wild rice(Wild rice) |
Wine-grapes(Wine-grapes) |
Winter Mushroom(팽이버섯) |
Winter squash(Winter squash) |
Witloof(위트루프) |
Witloof chicory (sprouts)(Witloof chicory (sprouts)) |
Yacon(야콘) |
Yam(dried)(마(건조)) |
Yams(마) |
* From January 1, 2019, for any agricultural product whose MRL is not listed under Annex 4 of Food Code, a uniform MRL of 0.01 mg/kg shall be applied (called “pesticide PLS”).
* Please refer to 'Classification of Food Ingredients' in Food Code for more accurate searches.
Group MRL shall apply If there is no MRL for an agricultural commodity.
(ex: Orange → Citrus fruits → Fruits)